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Pixotope21 November 20211 min read

Pixotope 2.0 - Connectivity

Multi-machine connectivity using Pixotope 2.0 virtual production software

Pixotope 2.0 is all about seamless integration and connectivity. Our goal is to provide a harmonious workflow across Pixotope services and partner pipelines – so you can focus on making your virtual production the best it can be. Here are just some of the features we’ve implemented or improved to help your team create stunning mixed reality, augmented reality, or extended reality experiences in live media and live broadcasting, no matter the size or requirements of your production.

Connected production workflow

For Pixotope, connectivity is all about ensuring your service communicates without interruption during a virtual production workflow with multiple machines running simultaneously. While Daemon initiates all services, our Data hub handles the communication between all Pixotope services and the Store is responsible for saving all Show related information.

The Pixotope status panel

Keeping on top of all connected machines and services is vital for your virtual production pipeline. Through the Pixotope status panel, you can now see all connected machines (with server machine on top); manually stop and restart the tracking and video I/O services or close and reload running levels. 

Multi-machine Productions

Your multi-machine productions can be developed in complete unison thanks to an update in our Datahub communication. Now based on a Publisher/Subscriber model utilizing TCP/IP, this update means that any changes made in the Director are kept instantly in sync. You can use Director from any machine you like, making your studio’s workflow smooth and consistently connected. Additionally, we’ve now introduced ‘roles’ so that you can clearly define the responsibility of each machine in your production network.

We aim to give you full control of your process so that you can focus on creating a top-quality mixed reality experience or live broadcast for your audience. With our new Pixotope API, you get access to use ZeroMQ messages or HTTP requests to view and edit every aspect of your Pixotope production and to allow seamless integration. With the new 2.0 release, we are providing open-source tools and examples to assist with development and integration, including a source code repository and compiled binaries.

Learn more about the full capabilities of Pixotope 2.0 virtual production software here.