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Sinfaii has been working in Pixotope a Applications Specialist in the APAC region
Pixotope08 March 20235 min read

Pixotope Snapshot: Sinfaii Metanee Chaiyasith

Pixotope Snapshot is our series shining a light on the many talented individuals that make the Pixotope team so great. Our colleague Sinfaii is a (smiling) force to be reckoned with: with a passion for animation and broadcasting, she's made a huge impact since joining Pixotope 8 months ago. What attracted her to virtual production and why did she end up in Pixotope? 


Can you tell us a bit about your background leading to Pixotope?

I studied Broadcasting and Film and I have a Master's Degree in animation. I've had some jobs in TV stations but most of my career has been focused on Real-Time Virtual Production. I've been in this industry for about 8 years. 

Sinfaii works as a application specialist in Pixotope


You have been working in Pixotope for almost 1 year, but you have long-term experience in the VP industry. What makes it for you such a fascinating field to work in?

I love art and technology. As someone who has been working in the Virtual Production industry for several years, I can confidently say that what draws me to this field is its multi-disciplinary nature. It's truly fascinating to see how artists, engineers, and other professionals work together to push the limits of creativity and technology in order to create virtual experiences.


Can you describe your role at Pixotope as Application Specialist – what does your average day look like? 

My role primarily involves the technical aspects of sales, which includes conducting proof-of-concept demos and addressing any technical queries that prospective customers may have. Essentially, I serve as a liaison between the sales and engineering teams, bridging the gap by translating complicated terms into “human” language. I strive to guide storytellers in leveraging Pixotope tools to enhance their stories and create truly magical experiences.


Virtual production technology is moving at the speed of light: how do you keep yourself updated with the latest technology and advancements in virtual production?

That's a tricky one because I constantly have the feeling of being behind. Fortunately, Pixotope constantly provides me with plenty of resources to learn. Besides that, I always try to get one day a week for learning, not only new technologies but also new tools to do my job. 


What do you think is the most unique aspect of Pixotope in the virtual production industry?

On the technical side, I would choose simplicity. In my opinion, Pixotope is a very cool-kicked company that was born with the current state of the art in virtual production with Unreal, so we can move faster without the weight of legacy which makes things unnecessarily complicated.

Pixotope is the result of many years of services in virtual productions, solving many issues which are a pain in the ass. Our goal is very simple, allow the artists to do the same but without the headache.


You mentioned that your life has changed a lot since you joined Pixotope and we are very happy to have you on our team. Can you tell us more about your experience?

When I knocked on the Pixotope door and asked to join, I had just beaten my mental disorder and started to be active again. I was very open about it but Pixotope still gave me an opportunity. They cared about my passion rather than my background. I think it is a very inclusive company and they made me feel "I'm already home".

Nowadays, I hardly stay at home for more than a week as I'm always on the go, traveling to various places, and I absolutely adore it. Interacting with new people, particularly clients, brings me immense joy. Seeing their projects take shape and being an integral part of them is an incredible experience.


This may be a very tough topic to touch on but you have been very open since the very beginning and willing to share your life journey: you have been going through Borderline Personality Disorder disease since elementary school age. However, we mostly know you as a smiley Sinfaii who brings a lot of enthusiasm to Pixotope demos. How do you keep yourself motivated in your work?

As you mention I had to fight my disorder for 4 years and keeping myself motivated was really challenging. I decided to make a system of rewards based on stickers. I rewarded myself with a sticker when I did something good for myself 🙂, for others ❤, or reached a new milestone 🌟. Joining Pixotope was my last big milestone and I consider it a reward in itself. But I still look every day at my wall full of stickers that remind me of the long journey I had to go to reach where I am today. 


You are currently the only woman in our APAC team and in general, the situation in the broadcasting industry/M&E is quite similar. At Pixotope, we are working on getting more women into this field by sponsoring & supporting various NGOs that educate and mentor women in the broadcasting industry. Do you have any advice for women when starting a career in Virtual Production?

Well, I think women should not be scared to work in this industry, they are as valid as men. Actually, in Pixotope there are no genders here, we are all just “Pixotopians”.

I have never been looked down on for being a woman. However, I'm writing these lines while I'm traveling in Germany and I think I'm not going to be home for more than 4 days this month. This is a job for men and women but the price is the same for both: If you want to have kids, it's not going to be you who blows the candles with them every birthday. 


Finally - how do you spend your free time outside of work besides cuddling your cat?

I love to do meditation and work out. I always find time to do it every day, that's a legacy of my recovery process.

I’m always looking for new challenges. I used to do oil painting, and carpentry, and even tried to do jewelry with titanium (don’t try!). I am still writing my second book and I hope that it can be inspiring for people like the first one. Oh! And I already know the next challenge after that: I want to learn how to make churros!