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New Pixotope software release featuring XR edition
Pixotope06 October 20224 min read

Pixotope 22.3.0


If you’re an existing Pixotope user, you may be wondering if you missed a few releases as we jumped from 2.2 to 22.3. Don’t worry, we’ve just changed out release numbering.  To make it easier to ensure you've got an up-to-date release,  we’ve changed the numbering such that the first/big number (22) is the year, subsequent numbers will indicate major, minor and services releases in that year. Since we've already released 2.1 and 2.2 this year, that makes this release 22.3. With this numbering scheme, you'll never need a look up table to make sure you’ve got all the latest functionality.

More ‘X’ in your next XR project

Wouldn’t it be great if you could spend more time creating virtual productions and less time fussing with technical tweaks and adjustments? Yeah, we thought so too. That’s why we rolled up our sleeves to make some tweaks and adjustments of our own. Now, virtual production is even more accessible than ever. 

What’s new?

First, we’re introducing the new Pixotope Live XR plan. In addition to AR and VS, this plan includes all the desired features to create impactful XR solutions.

As a thank you to our trusted Pixotope customers, we’re upgrading all current Pixotope Live plans to the new Pixotope Live XR plan, allowing you to expand your creative horizons even further.

To top it off, we’re including a Control license for every plan. So virtual productions can now be controlled from a separate machine without a Live license.



In addition to upgrading our plan services, we’ve made a slew of improvements to our Graphics XR Edition that we think you’re really going to like. 

  • Multicam Input Switching - Camera input switching for sequential multi-camera workflows
    With our Camera input switching feature, you can route two camera systems to 1 machine, which you can seamlessly switch between using the Control panel or the API.
  • Color Matching - AR / XR Automatic Color Matching
    We get it. Matching the colors of the LED walls to the AR set extension can be seriously tedious. Our robust and adaptive automatic color calibration makes color matching a breeze.
  • 3D Mesh Import
    Forget about recreating your LED walls in the Editor. You can now easily import any 3D mesh into the Engine and convert them into XR wall objects.
  • Multi-engine synchronization with LTC/VITC timecode
    Synchronizing all XR and AR machines is essential. No matter how you use it, your machines will run in complete harmony with our timecode-based multi-machine syncing.
  • Render Engine Diagnostics with failover
    We added Selective rendering for XR walls to simplify rendering XR on multiple machines. Now you can easily select on which machine an XR wall should be rendered from the Director.
  • Pixotope Post Tools - recorded tracking data with timecode without need for video input, integration with any 3D package (Maya, etc) Tracking without video input
    Sometimes, you only really need the camera tracking data, right? Simply select "Tracking only" as the Input option in the video IO panel, and you are good to go.


Other Cool Stuff


UE4.27 & UE5 dual release


  • Pixotope 22.3 will be the last release on Unreal Engine 4.27, before moving to Unreal 5.1.
  • For customers who are looking to seamlessly use existing projects with new features in Pixotope 22.3, we recommend using the 4.27 version.
  • For customers who are eager to start using the rendering features of Unreal 5.0, we are providing a feature-complete version using Unreal 5.0.

A Smoother Setup

One of our main goals is to make Pixotope as user-friendly as possible. To help you focus on what's important, the new Syncing panel lets you change delays while seeing all machines simultaneously. You can also view the timecode directly in the panel when setting up your timecode sources.


Pixotope change indicator allows for better transparency and clear collaboration.



Change indicator

Pixotope is known for helping you make last-minute adjustments. Now we also help you to keep track of them better. With our change indicator, you can easily spot which values have been adjusted, allowing for better transparency and clear collaboration.


Fade out graphics

Fading graphics in or out was always a bit cumbersome. So now we added a simple slider so you can easily use it to overlay graphics when aligning your objects, or in production as an interesting visual effect. You can, of course, also control it via the Control panel or the API.


Detail of updated Pixotope control panel featuring new slider for fading graphics



Control panel

Of course, we couldn’t make all these other improvements without giving our Control panel a good shine. Now, we’re covering more advanced use cases, allowing you to control every single aspect of Pixotope.


Improvements to the editing experience

And to make things speedier, you can now:

  • access all properties directly in the Engine tab. No need to open the Editor anymore.
  • easily set up the control for the same property of multiple objects.
  • resize, align, and change the color of multiple widgets all at once, no matter what type.
  • easily drag groups and their content by grabbing the group header.
  • move between saved versions with ease through our added version history.

Of course, we didn’t stop there. Curious to know more?


Give It A Try

If you already use Pixotope, you can download the new version from Pixotope Cloud. Interested in trying out any of these features but not yet a Pixotope user? Fill out a Demo Request, and one of our team will get back to you!