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Pixotope03 August 20233 min read

Why Higher Ed Institutions Should Offer Virtual Production Programs

In the digital age we live in, it is crucial for higher education institutions to offer comprehensive virtual production programs and courses. With the rapid advancement of technology and the increased utilization of virtual production tools across various industries, it has become imperative for students to acquire high-level skills in this field, coupled with a diverse portfolio of knowledge and practical experience.


Redefining Industries and Creating New Roles

Virtual production is not just a passing trend; it is reshaping entire industries. In filmmaking, directors can now create breathtaking scenes and environments without the limitations of physical sets, immersing viewers in entirely new worlds. Similarly, the broadcast and streaming industry is experiencing a paradigm shift, with virtual production techniques enhancing the quality and interactivity of content for audiences. The advertising sector has also harnessed the potential of virtual environments to deliver captivating and immersive experiences to consumers like in this clip where a gigantic Gilette razor emerges in a football stadium, all of this realized with Pixotope Graphics:



As these industries redefine themselves, new roles are emerging that were never before conceived and a wide array of job opportunities has emerged. Job titles such as Virtual Production Supervisor, Virtual Camera Operator, LED Engineer, and many more have become prominent, and the demand for professionals in these roles is only expected to grow.


Embracing the Opportunity: Advancing the Virtual Production Industry through Skilled Graduates

One of the greatest challenges faced by the virtual production industry is the shortage of skilled professionals, presenting an exciting opportunity for higher education institutions. Employers actively seek individuals with diverse skill sets who can adapt to the rapidly evolving demands of the industry. Universities have the unique chance to meet this demand and play a pivotal role in nurturing the next generation of virtual production experts.

By collaborating closely with industry experts, higher education institutions can develop specialized programs tailored to the needs of the virtual production landscape. Incorporating insights from professionals ensures that students gain the in-demand skills and knowledge sought by employers. This, in turn, not only enhances the reputation of universities but also positions them as leaders in producing a workforce equipped to thrive in this cutting-edge field.

Creating strong connections between academia and the industry is a key aspect of seizing this opportunity. Offering guest lectures, internships, partnerships, and collaborative projects allows students to engage with real-world challenges and opportunities. By embracing virtual production and aligning their programs with industry demands, universities can pave the way for their students to embark on successful careers and make a significant impact on the future of virtual production.


"While virtual production is undoubtedly transforming the industry, it does not make traditional filmmaking skills obsolete. In fact, it enhances them. Students pursuing a career in virtual production should also learn the fundamentals of traditional media production techniques. Understanding the basics enhances their ability to craft compelling narratives within virtual environments. By combining traditional and innovative techniques, students can unleash their creativity and produce groundbreaking content that captivates audiences across various mediums."
Gideon Ferber, Senior Product Director, Motion and Production Graphics, Pixotope


The Pixotope Education Program: Empowering the Future

As the demand for skilled virtual production experts rises, the Pixotope Education Program stands at the forefront, empowering higher education institutions to prepare students for this exciting field. With an industry insight-based approach, the program ensures that students receive up-to-date knowledge and skills relevant to the virtual production landscape. Access to cutting-edge tools and expert guidance allows students to gain practical experience, honing their craft in a professional environment. Moreover, the program fosters valuable networking opportunities, connecting students with industry professionals and potential employers, facilitating a seamless transition into the job market.


Partnering with renowned institutions worldwide, including Husson University in the U.S., University of Gloucestershire in the UK, Hanzehogeschool Groningen in the Netherlands, Apulia Digital Maker in Italy, Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore, and Hsing Wu University in Taiwan, the Pixotope Education Program is nurturing the next generation of virtual production experts. As higher education institutions embrace this transformative technology, they empower their students to take the lead in reshaping industries and creating a future where imagination knows no bounds.